10 years ago
I recently led the development of a great new Australian Job Search Directory called JobJungle. It was featured on SEBLOD.com
10 years ago
In this tutorial I go through how quick it is to create a tabbed front-end form using SEBLOD.
10 years ago
In this short video I show you how to use SEBLOD's Dynamic Cascading Fields to set up a cascading field sequence.
Tags: Forms Cascading fields SEBLOD
10 years ago
This tutorial I look at how to create relationships between content types in Joomla with SEBLOD using the 'related article' field.
Tags: SEBLOD Content relationships
10 years ago
By popular request - here's a short clip about how to make multi-page forms with SEBLOD.
Tags: SEBLOD Forms Multi-page forms
11 years ago
This video walks through how to use the Live URL Variable setting to track which of your digital marketing campaigns are working.
Tags: Live values SEBLOD
11 years ago
Here is a very old tutorial I made on creating a custom content type and search type in SEBLOD.
Tags: SEBLOD Content types
12 years ago
"In short, James was in every way a joy to work with, where this was in marked contrast to other experiences of web design I have had in the past."
Tags: Testimonial Reference
12 years ago
My attempt to explain SEBLOD storage options. Emphasis on attempt. It does have a picture though.
12 years ago
"James has always responded to all enquiries in a very timely and reliable manner, often going above and beyond to meet and exceed expectations."
Tags: Testimonial Reference