JobJungle Featured on

JobJungle Featured on

9 years ago

I recently led the development of a great new Australian Job Search Directory called JobJungle. It was featured on

Tags: SEBLOD Showcase

Using Tabs in Forms

10 years ago

In this tutorial I go through how quick it is to create a tabbed front-end form using SEBLOD.

Tags: SEBLOD Forms Tabs

Dynamic Cascading Fields

10 years ago

In this short video I show you how to use SEBLOD's Dynamic Cascading Fields to set up a cascading field sequence.

Tags: Forms Cascading fields SEBLOD

Creating SEBLOD Content Relationships

10 years ago

This tutorial I look at how to create relationships between content types in Joomla with SEBLOD using the 'related article' field.

Tags: SEBLOD Content relationships

Multi page SEBLOD forms

10 years ago

By popular request - here's a short clip about how to make multi-page forms with SEBLOD.

Tags: SEBLOD Forms Multi-page forms

Using Live Values for URL Tagging

10 years ago

This video walks through how to use the Live URL Variable setting to track which of your digital marketing campaigns are working.

Tags: Live values SEBLOD

Custom Content and Search Types in SEBLOD

11 years ago

Here is a very old tutorial I made on creating a custom content type and search type in SEBLOD.

Tags: SEBLOD Content types

Testimonial from Freya Mathews

Testimonial from Freya Mathews

11 years ago

"In short, James was in every way a joy to work with, where this was in marked contrast to other experiences of web design I have had in the past."

Tags: Testimonial Reference

Seblod Storage Explained

Seblod Storage Explained

11 years ago

My attempt to explain SEBLOD storage options. Emphasis on attempt. It does have a picture though.

Tags: SEBLOD Storage

Testimonial from Helen Bain

Testimonial from Helen Bain

11 years ago

"James has always responded to all enquiries in a very timely and reliable manner, often going above and beyond to meet and exceed expectations."

Tags: Testimonial Reference